Photo 34 — November 22, 2017

Photo 34

Assalamualaikum / Hi all. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Here is a picture I took recently in the morning on my way to the bus stop.

I’d been wanting to take a picture like this since months.๐Ÿ’”I’m very satisfied with how it turned out. 

I feel one reason I like sharing my pictures is I don’t want people to miss out. And take the time to note small things in life which Allah made for us.

Keep smiling and say SubhanAllah.๐Ÿ’š

Take a look.

Small plant with lovely droplets
I was completely ahmazed by the arrangement of drops on this plant. ๐Ÿ˜

Winds of change — November 13, 2017
Photo 32 — November 7, 2017

Photo 32

Assalamualaikum /Hi all

As you might know… I’M Sort of obssessed with the sky.

I’m not even joking when I say that sometimes looking at the sky change my mood.

Sometimes the night sky makes me think deep about life. It triggers the emotional side of me.

Here is a picture I took yesterday (and also edited it, I’m honest.๐Ÿ˜‹) I’m trying to improve. Let’s see if it’s actually working.

Sometimes there is no word to truly describe NATURE. Just Say SubhanAllah!๐Ÿ’™


Day 28: Status updateย  — October 28, 2017

Day 28: Status updateย 

A very simple post about status update. I use WhatsApp alot and since now it has a way to share your story or your status for 24 hours I use that. Instead of sending people pictures and clips separately.

Be sure to read till the end.

In the morning as I was checking some grouo chats,  I came across a lovely video with the following words:

Thus, I shared it as my status.

In the afternoon, I ended up posting this with a caption.

I really wish I take a picture like this some day. Or similar to it.

It was my DREAM to take a picture like this and I did! In my DREAM. (Which is true.) Now I’m just waiting for that dream to become reality. ๐ŸŒผ

But that’s what’s wrong, am I right? We wish, we dream and then we wait. We don’t do much about it. But the day we push ourselves to do what pleases us and what seemed like a dream we will feel courageous. When we do what we thought we couldn’t is when we realize our might. When we finally do that with time the thought of not doing it seems like a dream. Because of how real our dream becomes on the end because of our struggle.
Here is another status update. I took the picture early morning, it might have fit the prompt glow…maybe? Anyway, here it is and of course with a caption! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Dark soil and grass sunlight
The burried you under darkness but you grew into the light. Be proud of your might.โ™ฅ๏ธ


Day 7: A lost key — October 7, 2017

Day 7: A lost key

With time her thoughts became as dangerous as poison and as dark as a grave, leading her  into a maze with no way out.

Except for one, that was to unlock the door of hope.With the lost key being poetry?which she had forgotten. Yet she picked up the pen filled with ink as dark as her heart and spilled poetry. Letting the white paper soak in her thoughts, emotions and misery and lighting her soul.

Them and I — March 13, 2016