Many of us consider our lives to be a story. All what we truly wish is a happy ending. Correct? According to me it wouldn’t be wrong to say that like all stories, our life is also based on chapters. Chapters of many kinds, like the stories we read. There are always chapters which are unforgettable. They may be filled with joy and laughter or tears and misery. Some ordinary and some out of the blue. There might even be some which are a bit blurry yet very clear. The bits of memories, of vivid images or hazy scenes, and traces of emotions, along with the bridge of time make our lives worthy to be called a story. A chapter story in which we cling on to some lessons learned, as we cross the bridge and move forward. Some chapters, teach us valuable lessons and others teach nothing at all. Perhaps.

This is an attempt to start a series called ‘Memories.’Please give me your honest feedback via comments down below or through email.It will help me improve! 😀 Stay tuned! 😉

Edit: Read Chapter 1 
