Love.Love.Love it! ❀
Please read! I’m sure you’ll love it.


And do not delude yourself; that time flows through you. For in reality, you flow through time. The ocean is never dependent upon the travellers that pass through it. There were millions before you, and there will be millions after.

Time always was and always will be. You are the one born and you will be the one to die. Time has no end or beginning. You in fact are mortal. So do not equate your mortality with time’s immortality. And do not mistake the time period you are aware of by measurement, for eternity.

In this knowledge, you must learn to never surrender to the giant tide of time in front of you. If your boat has swam towards it, it will swim away; but not before time is done with you. So be patient.

And when you come upon a kind wave, do not walk with pride and…

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